5 Key Characteristics of Students

Not all of us are completely aware of the basic qualities of a student. Being a student isn't easy, it never had been. The 5 Key Characteristics of A Vidyarthi  are very well stated in Chanakya Niti  as - 

 काक चेष्टा, बको ध्यानं,स्वान निद्रा तथैव च ।अल्पहारी, गृहत्यागी,विद्यार्थी पंच लक्षणं ॥

       This shlok decodes the 5 traits of a good student. These are as follows - 

         (1) काकचेष्टा Effort like a Crow   

We all have heard the story of The Thirsty Crow. He did all that he could to quench his thirst. That's what we should apply in our life . Don't get satisfied until you reach your goal.
Work hard for it. Earn it!!

        (2) बको ध्यानं  Concentration of a Crane

        When a swan stands in water looking for fish, a lot of small fishes pass by him. But he waits for the bigger one. Similarly we have to wait for the bigger fish. Don't get distracted by small temptations. Wait for what you really want! Don't get overwhelmed by your small success.
         (3) स्वान निद्रा Sleep like a Dog

        We know that a dog is always alert...even in it's sleep. We should also sleep in an alert motion. What is seen nowadays that even though students set multiple alarms, we are unable to get up. Be awake while sleeping! 

         (4) अल्पाहारी Feed your senses less

     Alpahari means the one who eats less. What should be interpreted here is that a student should feed less to its Senses. For ex. If your favorite dish is cooked , you tend to overeat. If your ears listen something Melodious, they want to hear it again and again. If your eyes see something beautiful, they keep looking at it. This is what needs to be stopped! You should provide limited supply of such food to all of your senses.

         (5) गृहत्यागी Leave your Comfort Zone

       Student life always demands of sacrifice. You can never get anything by just sitting on your couch and wishing for it. Neither you can get it along with all pleasures of life. You will need to give up your sleep, friends and even family to get through this stage! 

      These are the 5 Key Qualities of A Student. You won't be able to master this instantly but with consistency you surely will. Also check out 5 Basic Study Tips🌻 which are more about focus and concentration !
 Keep working! 🌻 

                                           🌸Anushka Dixit🌸


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